The everyday design blog; welcome!

The everyday design blog
2 min readJan 10, 2022


Majority of our lifetime is spent trying to improve things. The struggle is basically to ‘build’. Regardless of your argument against this notion, the fact remains that this is true to a very large extent. Thanks to our zeal to make improvements, we are ‘Designers’ at best.

The craftsman, the infant and his toys…even at the least level of human development, the attempt to put things out is inherent. When we are not building a totally new thing, we are modifying existing things to our taste or to the taste of whoever we think needs it more.

The architect designs the house with the intended occupants in mind as well as the onlookers. He ensures that the house not only looks good to the onlookers but also works well for the occupants. To do this he considers who the occupants and the onlookers really are. Depending on how creative he is, he comes up with a certain level of success in achieving these two goals.

We are all architects; architects of our own lives, our own choices and our environment. In fact, the environment itself is an architect. Our lifestyle, our dreams and goals…each one of these are shaped by us and in turn, they shape us to a large extent.

Shape; probably the best suited one-word definition of Designing. Everyone is a designer, but a true designer goes a little bit beyond this. A true designer always considers positive improvements and sustaining existing good designs and above all, acknowledging the efforts of every other person like himself (consider a generalized pronoun here).

One feature of a true designer we missed out is Consistency. A true designer is always on the job of shaping things. A greater part of their conscious daily life is spent on this task.

It’s the everyday design, it’s our attempts to make things better and create new things…it’s the whole process involved in these. This blog itself is a designer’s attempt to share his personal design process and in turn improve in his craft and as well connect with like minds in a mutual manner.

If you are reading this, welcome! And don’t forget to connect. Follow me and be a part of this!

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